I survived the zombie apocalypse!

Dear world, I exist, really I do. But only on moonlit nights when my kitty trips the light fandango and I am not bogged down with work. Apparently.

I finished my first semester at VCFA! And this weekend I’m off to the next residency. M. T. Anderson will be there! And Grace Lin and Katherine Patterson! I’m in a smaller special workshop on Writing and Illustrating Picture Books, which is both exciting me and scaring me. I’m not really a visual artist. I just like to doodle, and since the picture book I submitted for workshop is set in another galaxy filled with aliens I’m going to have to figure out what my aliens look like. I think it will be really interesting to learn the whole process of storyboarding and picture book dummy making. It’s like a whole other world I know very little about.

I’ve also been playing around with a new WIP I want to work on next semester. I decided I need to take a break from the old novel. I don’t want to work on only one novel my entire two years and the whole two protagonist/two story lines thing was driving me crazy. you have no idea what a relief it is to write a novel with one protagonist! I’m hoping it’ll be a little easier to get through an entire first draft this way. I still want to write the other novel, but maybe I’m just not ready for that story yet. I’m still trying to figure out what a novel is and how to write one and worrying about how to bring two characters together and fit two stories into one is not a very effective way of learning, lol.

Also, good news about the Cd. We finally got everything together for the cover art and all the CD’s are produced now. They should be available from CD Baby soon and then eventually Amazon.com. I”ll post an official announcement once there is an actually link. In the meantime check out my myspace if you want to listen to some of the songs and let me know what you think ๐Ÿ™‚ http://www.myspace.com/shawnalenore

In health news I’m seeing a new doctor, a surgeon who does endoscopies. My endoscopy shows I have gastritis and duodinitis which is basically inflammation in the stomach and small intestine (hah! I could have told them that). Now we’re trying to figure out what’s causing it. I was already on a pretty high dose of the medicine they treat gastritis with so the question is why wasn’t it working? No sign of any reflux in my throat so I still have no idea why my throat is sore and hoarse all the time. I really haven’t sung since the CD was recorded in May so it’s been about six months. The ENT I saw suggested I could get my tonsils removed to see if it helps since I do have a lot of crypts and pits where bacteria can get stuck, but it seems like an arbitrary decision. They don’t look infected so it may not help at all. Still, I don’t know what else to try. The surgeon thinks my stomach problems could be from my gallbladder which may mean I need to have it removed. Either way, surgery is looking pretty likely for 2011. I’m not happy about this, but I really want to be able to sing again and doing nothing certainly isn’t helping.

Anyway, here’s to better things in 2011!!!!

8 responses to “I survived the zombie apocalypse!”

  1. stephanieburgis Avatar

    I’m listening to the songs on your myspace page right now and just feeling totally swept away by them.
    Good luck with the medical decisions. I really hope you’re able to sing again soon! *HUGS*

    1. shawnalenore Avatar

      Thanks Stephanie! I hope so, too ๐Ÿ™‚ At the very least I’m determined to keep trying.
      I’m so glad you’re enjoying the music! It’s so exciting to hear everyone’s response to it!

  2. stephanieburgis Avatar

    I’m listening to the songs on your myspace page right now and just feeling totally swept away by them.
    Good luck with the medical decisions. I really hope you’re able to sing again soon! *HUGS*

    1. shawnalenore Avatar

      Thanks Stephanie! I hope so, too ๐Ÿ™‚ At the very least I’m determined to keep trying.
      I’m so glad you’re enjoying the music! It’s so exciting to hear everyone’s response to it!

  3. stephanieburgis Avatar

    I’m listening to the songs on your myspace page right now and just feeling totally swept away by them.
    Good luck with the medical decisions. I really hope you’re able to sing again soon! *HUGS*

    1. shawnalenore Avatar

      Thanks Stephanie! I hope so, too ๐Ÿ™‚ At the very least I’m determined to keep trying.
      I’m so glad you’re enjoying the music! It’s so exciting to hear everyone’s response to it!

  4. stephanieburgis Avatar

    I’m listening to the songs on your myspace page right now and just feeling totally swept away by them.
    Good luck with the medical decisions. I really hope you’re able to sing again soon! *HUGS*

    1. shawnalenore Avatar

      Thanks Stephanie! I hope so, too ๐Ÿ™‚ At the very least I’m determined to keep trying.
      I’m so glad you’re enjoying the music! It’s so exciting to hear everyone’s response to it!

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