We finally sorted out what songs we are going to record in Portugal and we have about 15 of them. We’ll be in Portugal for three weeks but will only be recording for five days so we have a lot to fit in. We’re still working on translations to the lyrics and a brief description of each song so that I can explain what I’m singing about during performances. Now I’m just crossing my fingers and trying not to stress out. I’m feeling a lot of pressure to get things right because we only have this one opportunity.
Our show in the Key of C last Saturday was great. The woman who runs the coffee shop put an ad in the paper so the place was packed. Standing room only. I was surprised to see so many people there. Unfortunately, my dad got sick the night before so we were both feeling pretty low energy. It’s amazing how draining singing for two hours can be. I should really think about that in the future. Maybe it would be better to do shorter performances? There comes a point when I just feel like I can’t emote anymore, lol. Plus, the terror of having to perform in front of real live people can be pretty exhausting. We also put out a mailing list so people could add their names if they wanted us to let them know when the CD comes out. If anyone here wants to be added to that just send me a message with your e-mail address and I will add you!
Also, my dad will be presenting his novel The Undiscovered Island next week on the East Coast. We’ll be doing some of the Portuguese songs there, too.
Here are the dates and locations for that:
Thursday, May 6 5:00 pm UMass Dartmouth, Dartmouth, MA (I’m not sure where in the University we’ll be…)
Friday, May 7 7:00 pm Casa dos Acores, East Providence, RI
Saturday, May 8 3:00 pm Baker Books, Dartmouth, MA (This will probably just be a signing, no music)
I don’t know how if anyone on livejournal will be in that area but if you are I hope you will come by to see us!
Other than that, I will be out of the country the rest of May with questionable internet access.
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