Just wanted to pop back on here and share that my story “Bastian and the Beast” will be coming out in the queer monster anthology, WE MOSTLY COME OUT AT NIGHT on May 21! This is the anthology that was previously called QUEER BEASTIES, for anyone wondering. My story is a queer retelling of Beauty and the Beast. We’re going to be doing some online events next week to celebrate if anyone wants to check them out.
The first event will be on Instagram Live and hosted by the Highlights Foundation on the 21st at 7pm EST. I’ll be there, as well as the anthology editor, Rob Costello, and Alex Villasante!

There will also be an online launch celebration on May 22 at 8pm EST hosted by R(ev)ise & Shine. Unfortunately, I won’t be there, but other cool people will be!

And, lastly, I forgot to post that my story “Maggoty Meg Flies Up the Mountain” was reprinted last year in the anthology TO UKRAINE, WITH LOVE. This is an anthology of stories and artwork put together to raise money for Ukraine. Right now there’s only a black and white version, but they are going to do one in color, as well. If you prefer an ebook, you can get that here.

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