The Conjurer & Other Azorean Tales

My dad (Darrell Kastin) has a new short story collection that came out this past December and lots of exciting things have been in the works so I thought I would share them with you 🙂

The collection is called The Conjurer & Other Azorean Tales (you can order it here) and it is filled with magic, poetry, humor and saudade. Here’s the official description:

Etched from the fertile volcanic soil and the sea and mists surrounding the Azorean islands, the characters who inhabit these stories merge realism with magic. Like the nine Muses, each island has its own special attributes. Whether searching for love, power or meaning, these characters are subject to the whims of Fate and Fortune. Here the commonplace present confronts forces both natural and supernatural. Taking place in the Azorean microcosm, they come to represent a far larger and wider sphere, depicting the foibles and idiosyncrasies of humanity the world over.

If you’re curious to know more about the Azores and my dad’s relationship with the islands you can read this article he wrote on the RTP blog, “The Other Realm, Writing about the Azores“. Here’s a little snippet:

We no longer think of mysteries pervading the landscape. They’ve all been chased away by skyscrapers and television, by computers, automobiles, and cell phones. For example, people no longer go off in search of mysterious islands of Gold or Women, remote havens that went by many names, but which can be summed up by The Fortunate Islands. Islands that rose and sank, elusive, just out of reach, fading into the mists from which they appeared.

We think the only mysteries left are in space, or perhaps in the deepest trenches of the oceans, not in our own backyards. But there are other places, realms in which things can’t be readily explained away as fancy or delusions. And the Azores is a place that lends itself to mystery.

You can also check out these two interviews: “Beauty of the Azores inspires collection of short stories” and “Darrell Kastin: His allure of the Azores and his work in progress– Interview“.

If you’re curious to read one of the short stories check out “Constança’s War with the Elements“.

Also, my dad’s going to be at a couple of events in the next few months. He’ll be at the LAEF XXXVII Annual Conference, March 22-23, CA State University Stanislaus (in Turlock). He’ll be participating in the workshop led by Frank Sousa to discuss Portuguese-American authors writing in English.

And July 25-27 he’ll be at Butler University in Indianapolis, Indiana, to attend the international conference Exploring the Portuguese Diaspora in InterDisciplinary and Comparative Perspectives.

And finally, if you want to keep up with events and updates and that sort of thing, “like” his new facebook author page!

8 responses to “The Conjurer & Other Azorean Tales”

  1. L. Marie Avatar

    I put your dad’s book on my wish list so I wouldn’t forget it. I’m excited for him. And how cool that you’re pubbing his events. Someday soon I hope he’ll write about your debut events. 🙂

    1. Shawna Lenore Kastin Avatar
      Shawna Lenore Kastin

      Thanks so much, Linda! I think you will enjoy the book. It’s full of strange, magical stories 🙂 And, yes, us writers have to stick together! It’s cool that we can help each other out.

  2. Sandra Nickel Avatar
    Sandra Nickel

    Ah, I should have known writing was in your blood, the natural that you are.

    1. Shawna Lenore Kastin Avatar
      Shawna Lenore Kastin

      Aw, shucks 🙂

    1. Shawna Lenore Kastin Avatar
      Shawna Lenore Kastin

      Oh! I hadn’t heard of that quiz yet. How do you decide what questions to ask?

  3. L. Marie Avatar

    You have been awarded with the Liebster Award. If you go to my blog and see my latest posting about the Liebster award, or click on the link to the awards ( it will tell you all you need to know. Congrats!

    1. Shawna Lenore Kastin Avatar
      Shawna Lenore Kastin

      Ooh! An award! How exciting 🙂

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